1/31/2010 -
Super-Diversification Flex Growth Strategy. Click here for specific details on the performance data.
Super-Diversification Flex Growth Strategy
This is the actual NET performance of our clients utilizing our Super-Diversification Flex Growth Strategy totaling approximately $123,212,363 of assets. Our Strategy and process has remained consistent over the entire period. Not all Patton Clients with the same strategy experienced the same performance due primarly to minor differences in allocations and differences in fees. A very limited number of Patton Clients pay fees from money outside of their portfolio resulting in a higher return. Some clients are Qualified Clients and Accredited Investors as defined by the SEC and may pay a performance-based fee which can meaningfully impact performance.
Use of leverage on a portion of the portfolios represented by this composite return has had a material impact on the performance figures displayed.
Performance includes the reinvestment of dividends and other earnings. Investors may lose money, and are expected to lose money, during significant market declines and other market conditions, in this strategy.
The asset allocation of the strategy has been different than the ARC Private Client Index, resulting in differing performance, although the risk profiles of both have been generally similar. During the period being reported the market has been in an upward trend that has been stronger than historic averages. There is no assurance that this type of trend will persist or how we would perform if it did.
All other representations of Super-Diversification performance throughout our website is back-tested simulated results unless otherwise noted.
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View Performance Composite Details
ARC Private Client Index
The ARC Private Client Index is an index created by and maintained by the ARC Group. These indexes consist of more than 350,000+ actual investor portfolio returns that are managed by 149 investment managers (as of January 2025) including some of the largest in the world. These 149 managers only represent a sample of the 10,000's of investment managers and other such service providers (financial planners, traditional brokers, etc.).
There are 4 Private Client Indexes each with a different risk profile. We have selected the ARC Private Client Index with the most comparable risk profile, Steady Growth (allocation approximately 49.25% equities, 20.48% Fixed Income, 8.66% Cash, and 21.61% Other as of January 2025), to our Patton Clients performance.
For more information about these indexes, visit the ARC Group's website here.
Industry benchmarks presented for comparison to Super-Diversified Portfolios are believed to be comparable risk portfolios although the holdings are very likely significantly different. Simulated portfolio benchmarks, such as a "Traditional Portfolio", does have a similar risk profile but is allocated only to traditional asset classes of stocks, bonds, and cash.
View List of Competitors in PCI Indexes.
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