
We deliver a conflict-free holistic approach to wealth planning giving you the peace of mind you deserve.

Our Planning Process Steps

  • 1Start with the Basics

    Collect your financial information and history.

    This is a phone call with our Financial Planning Assistant to gather much of the information and data to start building your plan. Areas to explore deeper or requiring more discussion are identified.

  • 2Risk Profiling

    Complete a risk questionnaire to help understand your risk profile.

    We will ask that you complete a 25 question risk questionnaire so that we can establish a foundation for understanding you and your investments. If applicable, we will ask your spouse or other interested parties to do the same.

  • 3Get to Know You

    Who are you? What are your long-term goals, dreams and aspirations?

    A meeting with Mark Patton to get to know you, review the information previously gathered, and learn about your long-term goals and dreams.

  • 4Understand Your Situation

    Uncover gaps and opportunities in your current situation.

    This is analysis done by Patton to identify both gaps and opportunities based on the information we gathered and your long-term goals and dreams to start forming your plan.

  • 5Portfolio Analysis & Construction

    Analyze your current portfolio and build our recommended allocation.

    Patton conducts in-depth analysis of your existing investments using multiple tools, including proprietary software, to understand your portfolio's current risk profile, cost structure, and consistency with your risk tolerance. We will then build a custom Super-Diversified Portfolio that is consistent with your risk profile, needs, and goals that will be used in the building your financial plan.

  • 6Model Outcomes

    Explore and evaluate scenarios aligned to your long-term priorities.

    Using the data gathered from you, understanding your goals and dreams, combined with our analysis, we can then test and model various scenarios.

  • 7Create Your Plan

    Develop a comprehensive plan unique to you
  • 8Present Your Plan

    Propose your plan and adjust as needed.

    We will present your custom financial plan explaining our assumptions and analysis and highlight all of the areas most important to you. Adjustments to the plan may be identified during this conversation that we will incorporate into a final revised plan.

  • 9Implementation

    Implement your plan including coordinating with other professionals as needed.

    At your discretion, we will identify the steps required to implement your plan and proceed. This may include us preparing paperwork for new investment accounts, facilitating transfers, and referring you to and coordinating the implementation of your plan with the various professionals as needed such as your CPA, attorney, and insurance expert.

  • 10Our Ongoing Service

    Execute a robust service model delivering you a hassle-free experience.

    We will do everything needed to maintain your plan including portfolio rebalancing, provide clear and robust reporting, conduct periodic reviews, and coordinate with your other professional advisors as needed.

  • 11Stay Engaged

    Measure progress and make adjustments during our regular check-ins.

    Periodically meet to review the progress of your plan and to make adjustments if and when your circumstances change.

  • Advice & Education

    12Advice & Education

    Providing ongoing advice and education to help you understand how your actions will impact your goals and plan.

    We offer ongoing educational opportunities including regular blogs, live investor workshops, and video education. We will provide ongoing advice regarding your investments and various financial decisions to help you understand how these things will impact your long-term goals and plan.

Benefits of a Financial Plan

  • Have a roadmap to meet your life goals
  • Provides a framework for making major financial decisions
  • Gets you, your spouse, and/or others on the same path
  • Aggregates all of your financial complexities in one plan
  • Is a platform to test scenarios (Can we...? Should we...? What's the impact of...?)
  • Uncovers opportunities and ignored needs
  • Identify potential risks
  • Insures your investments are aligned with your risk tolerance
  • It's the responsible thing to do like getting a physical and getting your teeth cleaned
  • See the impact of superior long-term returns

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