
Putting Your Interest First

We recommend low-cost investments. You pay us a fee only if your portfolio outperforms. We do not receive commission or hidden fees and do not sell products.

Independent Advisor

We are an independent firm not limited by a bureaucratic structure or other agendas but instead can make recommendations and give advice that is best for you.

A Legal Fiduciary

We are an independent Registered Investment Advisory (RIA) registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). As a legal fiduciary, we must only provide advice that is in your best interest and void of conflicts of interest.

No Contraints

The advice we provide is not limited to certain investments, limited strategies, or in any other way. Everything is an option so that we can give you the best recommendations.

Safety and Security

Our clients' accounts are held at independent, qualified custodians in your name offering 24/7 reporting and total transparency.

Custom Super-Diversified Portfolio

Every client is unique. We get to know you through our comprehensive planning process and custom build a Super-Diversified Portfolio consistent with your risk tolerance and goals.

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Growth of Capital

You should consider our growth-oriented Super-Diversified portfolio. It is diversified among 11 distinct asset classes. This portfolio has a risk profile that is similar to a traditional 70% stocks / 30% bonds portfolio. Our Super-Diversified portfolio has a substantially higher expected return than the traditional portfolio due to the added diversification.

Compound interest is the key to maximizing the growth of capital. Getting an incrementally better return, such as an 11% compounded return as compared to 8%, over many years has a tremendous impact.

Let’s review the power of the Rule of 72. Simply divide 72 by your expected rate of return to see how long it takes for your money to double. For example, a portfolio growing at 8% will double every 9 years (72 divided by 8). Compare this to a portfolio that grows at 11% compounded annually…it will double every 6 ½ years.

Over 25 years, a portfolio growing at 11% as compared to 8% will double nearly one additional time. This means you grow your capital to twice as much as you would otherwise! What appear to be small incremental improvements in returns can make a tremendous difference over time.

Our Super-Diversified Portfolios have proven to deliver better returns and can position you for much more long-term accumulation of wealth.

Want to see an estimate NOW of the impact Super-Diversification can have on you?

Portfolio Value must be greater than 0
Annual savings value must be greater than 0

Potential impact on YOU of Super-Diversification

Click here for simulated portfolios disclosure

The following is a hypothetical calculation showing the estimated value of your portfolio assuming the same compounded annual return achieved by our Super-Diversified Growth Model Portfolio as compared to a traditional portfolio of 70% stocks / 30% bonds.

Estimated Future Portfolio Values

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Every investor’s circumstances are different and need to be individual considered. This estimated calculation assumes the compounded annual return of our Super-Diversified Growth Portfolio and a Traditional 70% stocks / 30% bonds portfolio. To determine a portfolio that is right for you, we would need to learn about your investment goals and circumstances.

Wealth Preservation

You should consider our moderate risk Super-Diversified portfolio. It is diversified among 11 distinct asset classes. This portfolio has a risk profile that is similar to a traditional 50% stocks / 50% bonds and cash portfolio. Our Super-Diversified portfolio has a substantially higher expected return than the traditional portfolio due to the added diversification.

Wealth preservation is a delicate balance between mitigating downside risks while also maintaining reasonable long-term growth. The focus when constructing the appropriate portfolio is on the risks of bear markets and understanding what can be expected during these difficult times.

A Super-Diversified Portfolio, through added diversification, can position a portfolio for meaningfully less expected loss during bear markets and reduced recovery times. Furthermore, expected returns of a Super-Diversified Portfolio remain comparable or higher than a traditional portfolio of stocks, bonds, and cash. That said, you do not want to forgo the opportunity for reasonable long-term growth.

Want to see an estimate NOW of the impact Super-Diversification can have on you?

Portfolio Value must be greater than 0

Potential impact on YOU of Super-Diversification

Click here for simulated portfolios disclosure

The following is a hypothetical calculation showing the estimated portfolio value loss during the average bear market for our Super-Diversified Moderate Model Portfolio as compared to a traditional portfolio of 50% stocks / 50% bonds and cash.

Every bear market is different but research and actual results show that a Super-Diversified Portfolio positions a portfolio for consistently less loss and shorter recovery times.

Maximizing Income

You should consider our income-oriented Super-Diversified portfolio. It is diversified among 11 distinct asset classes. This portfolio has a risk profile that is similar to a traditional 25% stocks / 75% bonds and cash portfolio. Our Super-Diversified portfolio has a substantially higher expected return than the traditional portfolio due to the added diversification.

Retirement income is all about taking as much income from your portfolio as you need without taking so much that you risk depleting your portfolio. This is commonly referred to as a “sustainable withdrawal rate” and can be different for every investor depending on your age, income flexibility, and legacy intentions.

A common rule of thumb regarding withdrawal rates is called “The 4% Rule”. This states that you can safely withdrawal 4% of your portfolio annually at the start of retirement and increase it by inflation of 3% per year. This rule assumes your money is invested in a traditional portfolio of stocks and bonds. If you instead invested in our Super-Diversified income-oriented portfolio that has a similar risk profile and higher expected long-term returns, you could instead increase your withdrawal rate to 5% of your portfolio value which would dramatically increase your retirement income with no added risk of depleting your portfolio.

4% is generally believed to be a sustainable withdrawal rate during retirement (withdrawal 4% of your portfolio value annually for income). But a portfolio with added diversification can increase the long-term expected return allowing you to safely withdrawal 5% resulting in 25% more annual income.

The 4% Rule makes many assumptions that could be different than your circumstances and could meaningfully impact your sustainable withdrawal rate. Regardless of your expected or current withdrawal rate, the impact of incrementally better long-term returns during your retirement years can have a tremendous impact on your income during those years.

Want to see an estimate NOW of the impact Super-Diversification can have on you?

Portfolio Value must be greater than 0

Potential impact on YOU of Super-Diversification

Click here for simulated portfolios disclosure

The following is a hypothetical calculation showing the estimated value of your portfolio assuming the same compounded annual return achieved by our Super-Diversified Income Model Portfolio as compared to a traditional portfolio of 25% stocks / 75% bonds and cash.

First 10 Years CUMULATIVE Income

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Estimated Portfolio Value AFTER 10 Years of Income

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Every investor’s circumstances are different and need to be individual considered. This estimated calculation assumes the compounded annual return of our Super-Diversified Income Portfolio and a Traditional 25% stocks / 75% bonds portfolio. To determine a portfolio that is right for you, we would need to learn about your investment goals and circumstances. Future returns are unknown and investors may have to adjust their withdrawal rates accordingly.

Are you interested in learnings more? Click here to see how to get started now!